Loneliness Overrated

“I want sometime for me and myself”

“ Would you please leave me alone”

“Let me take a long walk, alone”

“I will pack my bag and go into the wild, just like Chris McCandless does in the movie”

Some of these lines you often hear from people around you. Or you might’ve said to someone. Whenever you feel sad or low spirit. You often tend to move away from people & utter above mentioned lines. This isn’t your fault. Most of the damage is done by movies (Mostly Bollywood). They show loneliness like an eternal quest. And people, eager to buy whatever moviemakers sell. Undergo the same phase just to know that how pathetic they are.

It is shown very nicely in the TV show FRIENDS. Joey decides to stay alone and moves out of Chandler’s apartment, eventually comes back and tells ‘I liked to have some space for me & time for my thoughts but, I don’t have as many thoughts as you think ’:)

Root cause for loneliness is depression & the worst part!, we try to find solace in lonliness and end up being more depressed. Guys, whatever is bothering you, just stop obsessing on the problem. And, rather find the way to get out of it. Being emotional is good. That’s what makes us human. At the same time, we should not forget, intelligence is also an attribute of human beings 🙂

Make as many friends as possible. Find friends in strangers & increase your reach. Then you feel more secured and happy. As and when you start embracing loneliness, leave alone the new friends, possiblities are more that you lose the people you already have. People are greatest assets, ask TCS 🙂

All I wanna say is that loneliness is not and was never a solution for depression. Share the problem with people who care for you & you would be amazed with the solutions that comes in your way, which you never thought of.

Bottom line is – Loneliness is just a state of mind, you can be lonely & surrounded by a sea of people. It’s not you going to someplace or being alone.

ImageOn a closing note: Do not listen to patho songs when you are broken. They never soothe you. Rather, listen to some enthralling ones, Grab a bottle of a drink (which ever you feel suitable) & lay down your soul to the Rock Music.